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Sports & Recreation > Racing > Is Nascar Dead?

Is Nascar Dead?

Before I get started, let me explain that I was at one time a huge Nascar fan and got to go to Charlotte, Daytona, Atlanta and still go to Bristol. However, this sport has become so money driven and so corporate image that the old core fan has lost all interest. The races are boring. Run araound these tracks in single file and wait for the last 30 laps before the drivers start to race each other. Makes one wonder why the sponsors shell out such big bucks for an audience that is forever dimenishing. The sport has got to get back to racing the entire venue of la;ps. How does one get motivated? Assign points for laps led. 50 laps increments. 20 points for the first 50, 40 for the next 50, 60 for the next and you know what? Excitement comes back to these long, long, long, and boring races. Hope that someone out there know someone who can get the ear of France and see how he feels about this as the way it stands now, this sport is on a fast track to oblivion.

posted on Apr 22, 2008 5:22 PM ()


I have not watched basketball since it went from a sport to entertain ment. Nascar has one draw for me and that when we go to the races, it is for the good times in the infield which includes good food, good friends, and a never ending supply of good booze.
comment by theprofessor on Apr 23, 2008 6:42 PM ()
I've never understood the attraction of "racing" around in circles... I assume people go to see crashes.
comment by looserobes on Apr 23, 2008 7:55 AM ()
I retired from basketball for the same reason.
comment by bumpedoff on Apr 22, 2008 6:51 PM ()

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