Perhaps a life too self- defensed
Where or when did it go wrong
At what point did you not belong
Tears for times of yesterday
When shadowed darkness came into play
It takes courage to travel on
Can you see the light of dawn
A simple life, but so complex
Did you see what was coming next
It came so quickly from fields left
And rages within your inner cleft
My friend, my friend who feels despair
To God you lay your soul so bare
Wishing for him to take you there
Where there is no pain, no earthly care
A blessed one who dwells with hope
Always helping others to cope
When in your heart there is such pain
Still in your being, there is much gain
Without notice, the world keeps turning
Without knowing our inner yearning
When will we all feel cool relief
When will we be free from grief
Questions we carry in our hearts
Carry as heavy stones in carts
Wishing we could set them down
Waiting for answers soft in sound
The answers will come...

This post may have confused some because I was speaking of several different people. I was stopping here and there for several evenings, and I felt some despair, confusion, and hurt, which comes out during the darkest of nights. I wrote it for those that were feeling pain in their lives. Some of it was temporary; some felt as if it were forever ...or a very long time. It made me sorrowful Here is Corrinne May with an Answer quite similar to Sarah's.
I so understand the emotions that accompanies the feelings with Sarah's song. TTT-things take time. Timing is everything. Trust.
Strength, hope, and fortitude all lie within. No matter how we feel, now we always have a choice to feel differently, if we so choose.
Sometimes, a good soulful crying and somber period cleanses our being and refreshes our senses. Let nature have it's way and reflect during those periods. When the times comes to move on, do so with your newly found strength, again, that comes from within.
Been there.