Now had I been a member back in January, this post could have been written then. As such I will have to address this now as the Democratic party is scrambling to do the unthinkable/impossible. Some member of the party want to re-do the Michigan and Florida elections. Elections where John Edwards still could have been a candidate had they not been moved to be so early. Some want the results to stand. Results where Hillary ran uncontested and still had more than 30% vote against her. It seems to me that there are only two ways to handle this. One, they have to re-run the elections and allow Obama to compete fairly or alternatively they should just accept that they broke the rules and figure out a way to make it up to those two states before November. By the way, I do believe both those states went Republican in 2004 so they definately need to flip one if not both to beat MCcain.
As has been pointed out by observes this weekend, the decision to go ahead with a "mulligan" election in both states needs to be made this weekend in order to allow for a 90 day campaign to be concluded by the end of June. This election will cost millions and the party won't even agree to pay for it. It seems no matter what they do the party has shot themselves in the foot.