Apparently the Obama family is planning on getting either a labradoodle or a Portuguese water hound, the President-elect said Sunday. So they're now looking for one of these breeds at shelters. I think either one is an excellent choice. Both breeds have hair, so no fur all around the house. And both have excellent temperaments, they're medium size and smart dogs. They were on our list before we got our Wheatens.
Labradoodles come in many different colors.
The Port Water dog is usually black but can also come in different colors.
posted on Jan 11, 2009 7:31 PM ()
I didn't realize Kraymer was a labrodoodle. Love the Portuguese water dog too. I hope I don't miss the next dog show, they are such fun to watch.
I want them Both.They are so wonderful Then we have a cockpoodle.
I sooo wanted a Portuguese water dog before I discovered labradoodles!!! I could prolly spell it (Portuguese) if I had one too! but I am happy with my crazy labradoodle... they would have some stories if they end up going with one like crazy Kraymer!!!
There so cute.
We used to call them Woopsiedoodles, but now they charge $1500 for a pup! Nice crossbreed though.