Last night at the debate Obama said, "As commander in chief, I will always reserve the right to make sure that we are looking out for American interests. And if al-Qaida is forming a base in Iraq, then we will have to act in a way that secures the American homeland and our interests abroad." The key being the word "if."

McCain remarked today: "When you examine that statement, it's pretty remarkable. I have some news. Al-Qaida is in Iraq. It's called `Al-Qaida in Iraq,'"

"I have some news for John McCain," Obama said, "There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain" started their war.
"John McCain may like to say he wants to follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of Hell, but so far all he’s done is follow George Bush into a misguided war in Iraq."
That was not only quick, but a direct hit on John McCain.