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The Path

Life & Events > Gotta Love Mainstreet

Gotta Love Mainstreet

Well, looks like there's a great possibility that the 14 billion dollar bail out may not go anywhere? Thank you Congress for continuing to help main street. We know that we corrected one thing however, we gave 700 billion no questions asked to those Wall Street friends to help refresh all of those toxic assets they created. I'm glad we did to after you said the sky was falling. They've done a great job hoarding our money and further starving the credit markets. We also know that the 35,000 thousand jobs they want to shed after receiving this money is great news for employment numbers. And how can we not forget those millions of poor suckers on main street continuing to lose their homes. As an American, I want to thank you for your blatant rip off. I love to see home values continue to plunge. And I know we have to go after those workers who shouldn't have a job because the big three don't know spit about building a car. Hell lets shed a few more million jobs and really scare the hell out of those people threatened with no livelihood, After all it is Christmas and they deserve it. We don't need manufacturing jobs anyway. Hell we all know at the top what Republicans and Democrats are all about and it's not for us.

posted on Dec 11, 2008 8:17 PM ()


Horrible but remember that the auto factory workers were making more than I did as a teacher with a masters degree and experience. They were all greedy.
comment by elderjane on Dec 12, 2008 12:55 PM ()
comment by oldroan on Dec 11, 2008 11:05 PM ()
I really don't know what I feel about the "Bailout". I live in Michigan.. between Flint and Detroit. Most everyone I know lives depend on the "big 3". As you know, I work "shows". My work is not "GM related" but it survives because GM workers have a job, and money to buy from me. Them, their kids.. everyone. Business for me (and I have been working 23 years) is now like 20% of what it used to be. And it will drop more before it gets better.

On one hand, I know the entire US economy will fail if GM falls. it will start here in Detroit, and go all over. Trust me, it the big 3 fall.. nobody in this country won't be affected.

I hate the fact, that we let this go on so long. I mean, the way the companies were run. Most of my family are GM workers, and I always took a stance against them. The reason.. because neither GM or them made sense to me. I took "electronics" in trade school.. got straight A's.. (Top of class) to get into GM.. but one day, after school.. talking to family I decided I wouldn't follow that. My family hates that decision to this day..

To me.. GM (exec's) are greedy (corporate jets, all that).. but so are GM workers.. I need better benefits.. all that. (Now this won't be popular with most the workers.. but I see what's happening. The whole thing is falling apart because too many greedy flucks!

Think about it.. say you work the line.. when the "skilled trades" and the "exec's" want more money.. they gotta get it somewhere.. who gets cut?

This is the whole reason I said "#### it to that life".. I seen too much to even try, after I got top grades in Trade school"..

Solution, I have no clue. But I kinda like what is going on. Some help, but "monitored". I hate government control.. but this time we may need it. All of us will pay more because of this.. I don't want GM doing the same "again and again".. but I don't want them to fold now.. cause I'll be begging you all for a place to stay...
comment by coincutter on Dec 11, 2008 9:35 PM ()
Certainly not for us. What a time. Christmas and we're in a depression, with no help coming soon. The rich getting richer... and...
comment by sunlight on Dec 11, 2008 9:25 PM ()
Not good news.
comment by busymichmom on Dec 11, 2008 8:59 PM ()

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