This is a load of rubbish. Humans cannot evolve. we are the product of millions of years of evolution. we can't even change the way we think or behave, let alone 'evolve' into a species that can exist happily in a hot, dry, storm-tossed planet.. As for this god = consciousness = everything crap... come on! We live in a physical world, not a dream world of ethereal 'consciousness'. Some life forms have consciousness. most life forms do not. the most numerous forms of life and the basis of all life are bacteria. they are not conscious! the word 'conscious' has a specific meaning and when would-be gurus start altering meanings to suit their own brand of spiritualistic nonsense, you should be very wary. Because the USA is blocking progress towards reducing global warming, we are going down the gurgler. Only a firm grip on reality will get us out of trouble. Haven't you all had enough of your inglorious leaders flirtation with his god? His assertion that he is doing his god's will? That the USA is god's love-child and immune from the problems of the rest of the planet? No wonder 90% of USA citizens believe in extra terrestrials, invisible gods and heavens and hells, the effectiveness of prayer... even when inescapable facts such as visibly rising sea levels stare you in the face, they don't set your brain cells working -- you flee into a mad world of spirits and consciousness. There's no hope.
AJ-can I borrow the book when you're done reading it??
Hmmmmmmm, interesting!
This sounds really interesting. I think I am going to try to find the book so I can read it. AJ