The past weekend was very cool because it was a long one. This made going to work even harder. Of course logging on Tuesday, was a fantastic occurrence of technology failing me. Why? I decided to work a bit on Monday to approve an ad. This caused me to be down in email till 3 pm on Tuesday. I get approximately 200 - 300 emails per day. I am not exaggerating, and my plate doth run over.
So there has been more chatting with Navy D. We're going to meet up on Saturday and I still have mixed feelings. He confessed that he was afraid that he'd do the dumbest dumb sh!t thing in the world. I had to ask for clarification, and he said he was afraid that he might cry and beg me to take him back. I said that I doubted that would happen. We shall see what Saturday evening brings.
I spent time searching for jobs this week and have gotten some more leads on new opportunities. The recruiter has something but I am really not interested I don't think. I am highly interested in this one non profit gig, and it's really my dream. I would probably wind up making the same amount of money which isn't fantastic but I would work less and they pay for more benefits. I actually lowered my salary requirements and applied to the job twice to show my incredible interest in the position. Hopefully it works out for me! We shall see, the worse thing that can happen is that I stay where I am at in hell.
It's supposed to snow here a big one. I am highly sarcastic because I grew up in Upstate NY where 2 inches of snow would never stop 98% of the people in the area. Here it stops the universe. I am hoping that I get stranded in my house. I know that won't happen but it's good to dream. Dream big kiddies.
I hope you're all doing well. Toodloo for now SB