So after today there are 7 days left for the j-o-b at the 7th circle of hell. I know you're all going to miss the stories. I think I have told the story of the tool bag aka douche bag that I work with. We joke about how much I can't stand him and he just doesn't get it.
Today he's telling me this story about this one community that he supports. He is taking like 20 minutes to get to the point, which if you've ever met me, you know that I have the patience of less than a 2 year old on my best day. So he's blabbing on and he gets to the punch line of the story. One of his community's swore at their field person. So he is taking this personally. We have all these silly culture sayings and one of them is "Assume the best intentions..." So I say to him cause he's got this crazed look in his eyes about it. I say you know you should probably assume the best intentions. He says well I would have but they swore at the field person. I walked away because I was about to say... it's not like this happened to you. But he seems to think that everything that happens is a personal affront to him.
All my coworkers have the bubonic plague, which is uber fun let me tell you. Not so much. I know that my co workers are planning something for my exit but I am not sure what that might be. I can't wait to start the celebration. It's going to be the best time EVER. Then I am going to celebrate with friends that night, and I will see Navy D that Saturday night late. I may have to celebrate two nights in a row. We'll see. I was invited to a bachelorette. I think I am going to bow out of that option... Mostly cause I don't feel like being a babysitter.
I'd rather spend the weekend with my Spiker. He's having a hard time adjusting to the new routine. We started him off on the MWF walking schedule the first week of my notice. We're down to the T/Thurs walking schedule. He's not so much a big fan of this. Although tonight he did go for a decent walk. That was nice cause the weather is finally starting to turn. This is fantastic because guess what? I am going to be able to enjoy it. I simply cannot wait. Let me tell you.
I hope you're all doing well. I miss Navy D. I miss Kdawg and she's here and I don't have time to see her. I shall pop in here periodically as the 7th circle of hell permits.
Happy Wednesday.