Thought you might like to see an example of the kind of rhetoric the far right fanatics are saying every single day over on Blogster about President Obama and his programs.
"The Incompetent Thug, his Mindless Minions and Boot-licking Sycophants look upon America as a conquered nation, to be plundered, raped and rebuilt according to malice and communistic whim. We, the subjugated, aren’t supposed to criticize or question anything they say or do. We are to accept this vermin infestation without comment or complaint...Societal rot always begins with the promise of benevolence. Drooling, glassy-eyed fools and simpletons fall for this ploy every time. (That would be you and I)...The Thug’s fawning followers can’t see how thoroughly evil he is because they are of the same species." [] Added : Wednesday, August 19th 2009 at 10:17am by retiredinaz
This is NOT the exception! This is the kind of thing they post on a daily basis. I post this because I want you to get angry....really, really angry as I am...and get vocal in shutting these people up by passing the health care reform bill. They are over there right now voting "NO" on a poll. I want us to have more "YES" votes today on that poll than they have "NO" votes.Â
Here is the link to cast your vote on whether you favor health care reform. We have got to be more pro-active.Â
These people are hurting Obama in getting this bill passed with their lies and misinformation.
My cowardly senator, Jim Inhofe, publicly (R-OK) stated:Â "If we can defeat health care reform, we can break Obama."Â
Did I miss something? I thought this was about helping people--not "breaking Obama."Â
Here are the links to contact your Senator and the President. The first is address and phone. The second link is to their e-mails, and the third is to the President.  Let your senators and the President know how you feel about health care reform and other issues. Click on the link you want.