CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Entertainment > Humor > If at First , You Don't Secede ...

If at First , You Don't Secede ...

Texans Meet In Austin To Promote Seceding From The Union!


Don't know if you knew this; but back in the winter, Rick Perry, governor of Texas, declared his state a sovereignty. 
That set the stage for what I think is just the most excellent  idea that I have heard in a long time....a group of Texans now want to secede from the Union.
We people here in the Sooner state just couldn't be more thrilled; and we want to assist our neighbors anyway that we can to make this happen.
SO, I've been doin' some thinkin' on ways that we could be of help.  Obviously, if Texas succeeds in seceding, they are going to need more people to build a larger tax base.   After all, no more Uncle Sam to pay Medicare and Medicaid,  no more funding for their schools and universities, no money period, no aid to farmers, no aid to car dealerships, no federal money to improve roads--well, you get the picture.
Therefore, this is how I think we in Oklahoma can help.  First, we think you need to have a land run.  We're old hats at land runs here; we've had several.  We'll get the whole thing set up for you.
Round up all your illegal immigrants and bring them to the panhandle of Oklahoma.  Heck, we'll even throw in all ours too just to help out you guys. I'll bet Colorado and New Mexico will be more than willing even to give up their illegal immigrants to assist a neighbor.
Now, I've been all through the Texas Panhandle and Southwest Texas nearly to the border.  About the only thing I saw was a jack rabbit, and he was tryin' to hitch a ride outta' there!
SO!  This is what we're gonna' do!  We're gonna' let the illegal immigrants hold 'em a land run to grab up some of that choice Texas real estate and homestead it.  I mean, after all, isn't that what brand new countries do to get settlers?
Then!! You'll have a whole bunch new citizens all payin' taxes to help the new government--that is, just as soon as the new nation of Texas can get some money manufactured.  In the meantime the new national treasury of Texas might have to settle for tradin' a cow for payment.
BUT! Back to the land run!  Since we're such old hats, we're even gonna' kick in the Sooner Schooner with Boomer and Sooner to lead the charge into the new nation of Texas.
'Course, that is going to throw a wrench into the Big Twelve.  It will have to go back to being the Big Eight; but I guess we football fans could live with not having to beat all those Texas teams just to win the south side of the conference.
Talk about sacrifice!  That will be a sacrifice, but we Sooners are willing to do just about anything for our good neighbors to the South.
Now!  Here's my question.  Just how soon can we get the ball rollin' to get Texas seceded from the Union? 
Do you think we can possibly get all these little technicalities worked out before the second week in October--that pesky OU-Texas game, you know.
It creates such hard feelings for you guys when we beat you, and we really don't want to do that.  So, we are willing even to give up having the OU-Texas game be a crucial conference win.
After all, what are friends for?

posted on Sept 20, 2009 12:22 AM ()

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