Don't forget the big bash to celebrate Hobbes' and friends' birthdays this Sunday.Â
For details, check with Hobbes or his daddy(jondude). Let's all turn out to make this a huge success.Â
Word is that Cindy may even come out of retirement for this one and bring all her kitties!!
I have already picked out some of my gifts:

Some bubbly from "Bark Vinyards" to get the party rolling!!

A gift basket that all the kitties can share!

Oh, what the heck!!! Might as well get enough to make it fun for all the doggies and kitties!!Â
That Bark Vinyards knows how to get felines and canines in a party mood! Maybe this will keep Hobbes out of the big people's beer!!!

I thought this bowl filled with goodies would be another good gift.Â
That's it for now!! Have to get back to googling "Gifts for Cats" to see what else I can find.Â
Happy Birthday shopping everyone! See you Sunday evening at Hobbes' big party!!
This is Ben, the granddog of Redimpala, signing off!Â
See you at the party!!