This here's CJ's cuntree cuzin' droppin' by tuh wush Hobbes 'n all thu guys a Happy Burfday.
CJ so upset ov'r that there religus scule beatin' her Sooners that she tuk to her bed and we ain't herd nuthin' frum her all day.
So, ah giss ah'l hafta' fill in at thu party this ev'n. CJ did tel me whar she stashed thu presunts 'n the partee favurs, so ah'l try mah best tuh do justice to ever'thang.
This here's mah huntin' hound "Scent." Now, ah'l jest bettcha yuh thank we call him that cuz' he's a good huntin' dog. Nope! Act'lly thu only thang this ol' hound ever gets close to a skunks. Phew! Duz he smell bad. Ah hav tuh put him in thu woodshed most'a time cuz I jest caan't stan the smel.
But, ah gut him all cleaned up fer the partee. Tuh keep away frum thu skunks, ah let him stay in thu hous. ah ben havin' one heck uv a time keepin' him outta' thu cake, tho. Finally had tuh tie him tuh the ceelin' an ev'n then he tried his durndest tuh cut him a peece.
Well, her's the presunts, boys! Ah' hop ya like 'em!
A gift basket that all the kitties can share!
Some bubbly fer yu an' all thu doggees and kittees at thu partee!
Ah heared sunone wuz brangin ther pet snake. We'll haffta' keep an eye on him, that's fer sure!
Back tuh thu gifs!!
jd thout yuh maght lak this here stuf too!
Didj's know thut thu jumpin' frog frum Calaverus Countee is a'comin' thu partee? Leestways, that's whut I heered, any ways.
An Martun's burds is a flyin up all thu way frum Flor'da. Hope they don git too tar'd!
Thu grinch looks lak he started partee'in a luttle too earlee. He's lable tuh bee feedin' beer tuh Hobbes. We'll hafta' keep an eye on him tonight.
That's it fer now...See ya' at thu party!!