Oh man, I am glad you found a new vet. I had to get another too...my dog, who was supposed to be fixed, went into heat. The Humane Society would pay for the procedure but the doctor refused to believe she wasn't fixed, even though she had no old suture marks, and looks as though she has had a litter before. Instead he put her on antibiotics that were too strong..and for a whole month! She did not even have a fever, and he said it could be a UTI. Man, somebody should be watching these vets. Good luck with your baby...I still have you in my thoughts.
very cool. I love old pictures too. I think your sister looks like a bully, really, you can see it in the picture of just the two of you.
a very touching post
ouch....sounds like something I would do.
I have circled the water fountain.Man, I know where your comming from. I have been room mates with some very harsh people.
Have a nice evening.
Make sure you keep eye contact, give a "confident" greeting handshake, smile....and be yourself. Good luck
I love dreams....that was a great one!
cool, nice to meet you! See you round the water cooler.