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Politics & Legal > The Truth?????

The Truth?????


The real joke about the Obama administration’s “war against Fox News” is their laughable assertion that ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and all of their puppet affiliates are true disseminators of “real” news. And this from Obama’s right hand hatchet man, David Axelrod, appearing on a “worthy network news show” moderated by ex-Clinton staffer, democrat party spokes-hack George Stephonopolis. This is the same “true and worthy” news media of Dan Rather- that of inventing and fabricating “information” which fits into the biased and twisted scope of the presenters viewpoint; regardless of being true or not. This the same “true and worthy” news media such as 60 minutes which invents and scripts “hit pieces” against those with opinions which “they” do not approve of or agree with. The same “true and worthy” news media which everyday, every minute, every second told us all just how smart was John Kerry, and just how stupid was George W. Bush; but always failed to mention that both attended the same Law School, a few years apart though, attended the same classes, with the same professors, doing the same course work, and/but, GWB finished with a higher GPA, and a higher score on the bar exam. This is a matter of public record-yes-but not important enough for the “true and worthy” news media to report.
And now this very same “true and worthy” news media, which must invent and lie about another newsreader, Rush Limbaugh. With three hours per day, five days per week, 46-48 weeks per year, for more than twenty years, and there is not even one thing they can find to support their dishonest and disingenuous contentions of hatred for anyone who dares to openly speak and report the truth concerning the Obama administration.
The Obama administration that proudly proclaimed open transparency is scared to death of anyone, anywhere, learning the truth about their intentions, aims, and goals.
Any person, even the U.S. President, and/or his paid flunky minions who openly and libelously smear a private-non political-citizen, should be held criminally accountable.

posted on Oct 20, 2009 7:53 PM ()

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