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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Change ?!?!?!?

Change ?!?!?!?

Yes, this country does need a new direction. But, FROM what direction TOWARDS what direction? Do we need even more financial services failures? Do we need further mortgage, banking, insurance, and stock market collapse? If you really do say yes, then go ahead and vote for Obama, and the continuance of the "same ole" "same ole" barney Frank and Chris Dodd programs that created and have perpetuated our current fiscal problems. Or maybe we want to continue with the system of unregulated and uncontrolled corporate greed and corruption? If you say yes, vote for McCain and a republican house and Senate majority! My best scenario, since the democrats now have, and will keep a simple majority, but let's hope not over 60 in the Senate, is to elect a republican president (John McCain); BUT, only if he has the GONADS to exercise his veto power - over and over and over - most unlike wanna-be liberal GWB. It really is too bad that we have only two competing political parties, because the right side - and/or the right decision - is somewhere in the middle of either/or or both.

posted on Oct 10, 2008 6:41 PM ()


Are you doing better financially and paying as little for gas as you were eight years ago? All this happened on Republican George W. Bush's watch.

Also, Back before GWB, the Constitution and Bill of Rights were worth more than the paper they were written on.

Possibly most disheartening, the business of Washington D.C. really IS to work at getting reelected.

The financial Bail Out bill didn't get past the Congress, (Either house) until the pork was spread liberally to those "opposed". Then every one of them fell right into line. At this point, nobody wins, even if they win. (Yes, Very Sad)
comment by thestephymore on Oct 11, 2008 7:31 PM ()
I'm not sure if we still have two competing parties. I guess we have two parties but not two ideologies. Socilaism has so infested both parties that differences are hard to find.
comment by think141 on Oct 11, 2008 9:57 AM ()

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