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Health & Fitness > A Day at the Fights

A Day at the Fights

Shawny's great. Still lying around like she's dead and not at all interested in chasing a ball or playing with toys.

But I'm happy to report she's been good off-leash so far. Of course, I take her far away from civilization. I'm lucky enough to live 5 minutes from a forest. I have never walked in there before because I was afraid of meeting a bear or cougar, but my need to walk in the woods (with an unpredictable dog) overcame my worry.

I whistle as I walk, call to the dog, stop and listen carefully every now and then and carry pepper spray and an airhorn. I think I'm pretty safe. Oh, yeah, and whenever possible I take a 2nd person (boyfriend, son). I keep away from areas with berries.

I'm more concerned about walking back through the provincial park where we inevitably meet dogs and Shawny flips out. Last week, a loose labrador approached in a threatening manner (while Shawny was on-leash), no owners in sight. I could read their body language:
Labrador: I own this trail.
Shawny: Put your money where your mouth is, sucka.
Huge fight ensues.
I was forced, for the first time in 5 years to draw and discharge my weapon - the pepper spray. I learned that you have to hit them right in the face. It sounds cruel and I felt bad having to do it, but it stopped the fight in an instant and nobody had to go to the vet to get an ear sewed back on or anything.

Actually, driving home, once my blood adrenaline levels had returned to normal, I felt strangely empowered.

"Yeah, baby, yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about!!!"

posted on July 14, 2010 6:53 PM ()


I'd never thought of carrying pepper spray to fend off vicious dogs. Many years ago Teddy was attached by a large dog while we were walking down the road and luckily we were both there, so one of us could help keep them apart. It was definitely scary.
comment by islander on July 15, 2010 2:17 PM ()
I've had the pepper spray about 5 years. Makes you feel much more secure. I also still have my riding whip, but it would be a nuisance to carry.
reply by nursekim on July 15, 2010 9:54 PM ()
We haven't seen our cougar or bear in a long time, but when I hike around the woodsy part of my land, I know they are watching in case I let loose a small child or animal for them to chase.
comment by troutbend on July 14, 2010 9:42 PM ()
Do you really? That's hilarious.
reply by nursekim on July 15, 2010 9:52 PM ()
She sounds a lot like my Peaches; "lying around like she's dead and not at all interested in chasing a ball or playing with toys" and a scrapper too. I can't wait to meet her.
comment by nittineedles on July 14, 2010 8:31 PM ()
The scrapping isn't so much a problem as the potential vet bills
reply by nursekim on July 15, 2010 9:53 PM ()

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