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New USA Currency
New USA Currency
Congress and the US Mint Department are proposing a new form of currency starting in America on 2024. Many people already have a lot of this currency in their homes which they never knew how valuable they would be. While this new potential form of currency has not leaked out yet, some unscrupulous members in Philadelphia and Washington have inadvertently spilled the beans.
No , the currency would not be beans. How foolish would that be. I'm talking about toothpicks. While the denominations are in the process of being determined, what we do know is wooden toothpicks will have the least value with plastic toothpicks having the most...especially those colored plastic swords . So the next time you see a plastic toothpick in a corned beef sandwich or a porterhouse steak, grab it . Just don't stick it in your wallet.
posted on Mar 2, 2022 6:16 AM ()
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