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Twinkle Twinkle
Twinkle Twinkle
The time has come the walrus said. I agree. The time has come to get to the bottom of some nursery rhyme lingo. I was reading about the life and times of Little Miss Muffet the other day. What the hell is a tuffet? We have chairs and sofas and loveseats and benches and couches but a tuffet? I think not. You don't see any tuffet sales at Macy's or furniture stores AND what's with this curds and whey ? I've never seen that on a menu or on a shelf at a supermarket.
What the hell is a rosie? AND one with rings around it, no less. Is this some kind of a planet like Saturn or are we talking Rosie O'Donnell?
Another term I'd like to know why it's thrown into a nursery rhyme is a dell. It's not a computer. It's not the singer, Adele. But some farmer was in the dell. I need to refer to my Oxford and Webster's dictionary to look up a dell and see what this nursery rhyme is talking about. While I'm at it. Hi Ho the Derrio. WTF is a Derrio? I tried looking that up and the closest thing I could find is a derriere. Hi Ho someone's ass? Is that the image we want to give our little tykes today.
I think Mother Goose should think twice before coming out with what might possibly be construed as tales of selaciousness and erotic and indecent material for our latest generation of toddlers.
posted on Dec 9, 2021 12:16 PM ()
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