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Entertainment > Humor > This Show Stops for You

This Show Stops for You

GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY. There's a new theater on 42nd Street just off 8th Avenue in Manhattan:the Will Rogers Theater. I recently saw the revival of Mummenschanz there now in previews. I was allowed to bring in my own Swiss cheese sandwich and a Colt 45 (malt liquor-not a gun) into the theater or any food or beverage i wanted. This is an intimate family oriented theater. You are in for a treat when you come here. Aside from the marvelous Broadway plays and musicals to be performed here, this Will Rogers Theater is unlike any theater you've been in.

Can't wait for an intermission for a bathroom break or snack? YES.There will be an intermission . But afraid you'll miss part of the show if nature calls during the performance? Stop worrying. Simply press the red "GTG" button on your seat. The show's director will be notified and stop the show within seconds. All acting and singing and music will cease until the ticket holder or holders press the green "Proceed" button. When no red buttons are on, (by the way the comedian/actor by the same name died in 2006), the show will continue. Being a small intimate theater with about 1200 seats, most often the buttons will always be in the green.

Now this button system may cause some interruptions and might cause delays which is why there is only one performance a day. Ticket holders are told to bring their own lunches, dinners, snacks, and drinks as there is no concession stands, soda or snack machines,water fountains, or phones. This will insure less GTG pressings.

Mummenschanz was delayed for about an hour during a performance in February. An elderly man with ice crystals on his walker needed time to get to the bathroom and back to relieve himself. Another time, a woman with a slow leak caused the audience to wait a half hour and in early March , a well endowed member of a travelling circus at Madison Square Garden needed almost an hour at the urinal. He had more water in him than the Mississippi Delta during high tide.!! Before entering the theater, ticket holders are encouraged to purchase Depend or Poise pads at the Incontinent Stand if they have a weak bladder or over active kidney or enlarged prostate.

These interruptions during the performances are very rare and very brief. So as Will Rogers would say "On with the show", once everyone is back in their seats. Get your tickets now for June performances of Kurt Russell in the sci-fi classic, "The Thing and I,".

posted on Mar 24, 2018 5:37 PM ()


I guess I will have to pass. It would take me too long to round up lunches, poise pads and snacks. Sounds like a great experience for those of us who are age challenged.
comment by elderjane on Mar 25, 2018 5:25 AM ()

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