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Pinnacle Foods, the makers of Hungry -Man dinners is announcing a new line of dinners specifically designed for woman. After being pressured by a myriad of women's equal right groups, it was decided the time has come for this delicious line of entrees called Hungry-Lady dinners. The gentle easily opened pink and yellow boxes can be eaten by either sex or transgenders . These dinners have fewer calories and less carbohydrates and are approximately 25% smaller in ounces than their rugged male counterparts.
These Hungry-Lady dinners are higher in such nutrients as folic acid, iron, B vitamins, pro-biotics and estrogen. They're especially appealing to women with several entrees that include candy, salads, cupcakes, espresso, steak, and yogurt and guacamole. Hungry -Lady dinners will be available in supermarkets and Walmarts, Targets, etc starting this June. I just know my wife is not getting the chocolate pudding in my Hungry -Man boneless fried chicken or chopped sirloin steak entrees. She can have my string beans.
posted on May 8, 2021 12:41 PM ()
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