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Fantastic Underwater Sale
Fantastic Underwater Sale
My wife sent me to our local Shoprite supermarket advertising a sale on the Bumblebee tuna fish cans. This is for the solid white albacore tuna in either water or oil. Now this solid white we both find superior to the chunk light of the same company or competing brands like Starkist or Chicken of the Sea.
So...this deal was that you needed to buy five cans but you need to use these digital coupons which I always have trouble sending to my phone. Even though I never changed anything when I started this digital account, I usually get told I have the wrong user name or password and I have to set up a new digital account answering questions like my 1st pet's name or grandmother's maiden name and then I'm often told it's wrong. I don't consider my first gold fish a pet and I've never varied from supplying Rex to my first pet's answer. Do these experts at Bumblebee know better than me or did they know of another name my grandmother used. ?
It's so frustrating. But as far as the sale. I was finally able to furnish the info to satisfy these ridiculous computer questions. The deal for the tuna cans is if you buy 2 cans, you get the third at half price of the 4th can which is a third of the price of the 5th can which is two thirds the price of the 4th can. Using my algebra skills and some trigonometry logarithms, I was able to deduce the exact amount of money we were saving by buying five cans. There's a similar deal if you buy 5 bags of Utz potato chips and you can even mix flavors. These phenomenal Shoprite deals never cease to amaze me.
posted on Nov 28, 2020 11:31 AM ()
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