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Life & Events > Mechanical Attraction Within a Diminishing Species

Mechanical Attraction Within a Diminishing Species

Species: Automobilius
Sub-Genus: PT Cruiser

I heard the other day that they are not going to make PT Cruisers anymore and I felt like my heart was breaking. I love my car! It was like hearing there would be no more Labrador Retreivers. It got me to thinking about species that are disappearing (and how I arrived at cars as being a species is a whole other post) and whether or not there are laws that govern a diminishing species.

Here is what I have observed... park your PT Cruiser in any parking lot and within minutes there will be another one parked near by. It's almost as if they are attracted to each other because everyday from this day on, there will be less of them. They band together in a show of support for each other, a show of strength against the world and perhaps with a fleeting hope that although bound by mechanical laws of another world, they can some how mate and reproduce. It seems as if Smart Cars could be their children, but alas that is not to be.

When you are driving, you will see a PT Cruiser and then suddenly you'll see an other and an other, forming clusters or pods on the highways of the nation. The drivers lift a hand in greeting one another, as they pass, a silent tribute to those who are the caretakers of the diminishing species.

So, that's it. I call it the Law of Mechanical Attraction within a Diminishing Species and that lead me to thinking of other laws that govern our modern world. Have you ever heard of Duncan's Economic Theory of Beer? Duncan, my friend, first started working in 1979. He was hired at McDonnell Douglas and at that time received the princely sum of $7.50 an hour. Which, coincidentally was the exact price of a 2-4. Twenty years later he was working at another company and making $24.75 an hour, which, yes you guessed it, was the current price of a 2-4. Duncan believes that all the theories of economy - the bear market, the bull market, the recession, the boom, the bust - are way too complicated. It all comes down to the price of beer. If your hourly wage is more than, or at least equal the price of a 24 pack case of beer, then all is good! Never mind the real estate market and never mind the Dow Jones - just check the price of beer!

posted on Aug 24, 2008 11:52 AM ()


Reminds me of the VW bugs a while back. They seemed to attract each other too. Unfortunately they could not keep the species viable - fortunately the deformed mutant front-engine spawn did not survive either. Re price of beer, a guy has to progress pretty successfully to keep up.
comment by baseeker on Aug 28, 2008 1:47 AM ()
Chrysler had (or so I thought) a good thing going with the PT Cruisers. Hope you're not too depressed over their demise.
Thanks for your note claiming a return to our little world. I'm not holding my breath. And congrats on the new aliens--at least in name.
comment by solitaire on Aug 25, 2008 1:35 PM ()

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