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Food & Drink > Recipes > Wilted Lettuce & Dutch Dressing

Wilted Lettuce & Dutch Dressing

Here's my family recipe for a hot dressing that's good on spinach salad or fresh garden leaf lettuce.

Wilted Lettuce
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons (about) vinegar
2 tablespoons bacon grease
Salt to taste
Garden lettuce
Crumbled bacon to taste
Hard boiled egg for garnish

In small saucepan, mix sugar, vinegar, bacon grease and salt. Heat over moderate heat, stirring, until sugar melts. Add more vinegar to taste if dressing is too sweet. Pour over lettuce, tossing until lettuce wilts. (If desired, tear lettuce into large pieces.) Sprinkle with bacon and diced egg if desired.

Dutch Buttermilk Salad Dressing
4 ounces smoked bacon
3/8 cup flour
1 quart buttermilk
1/4 to 1 teaspoon salt

Dice bacon and fry in a deep pan on low heat until crisp. Remove from pan and place in a small bowl for serving. Add flour to pan all at once. Stir. Add buttermilk in small amounts. To prevent curdling, keep mixture boiling as you add buttermilk. Stir constantly. Continue adding buttermilk until dressing reaches consistency of medium white sauce. Salt to taste. Serve very warm.

Dutch Farmer’s Meal
Cover plate with fresh lettuce, cut up, sliced onions, chives, sliced eggs, and bacon. Top with buttermilk dressing. Place boiled potatoes atop the mixture. Add more dressing -- it takes a lot to make it tasty. Can be garnished with chopped fresh parsley.

posted on Feb 25, 2011 10:56 PM ()


I love wilted spinach but have found that it can taste almost the same
poured over spinach cold and let it wilt in the fridge. With bacon and
croutons and avocado it is very good. I used olive oil instead of bacon
grease for the sake of our cholesterol. The family loved it.
comment by elderjane on Feb 26, 2011 9:16 AM ()
Poor old bacon grease, it's not very popular any more, is it? I don't buy bacon very often because I keep a bag of real bacon crumbles in the freezer, but last summer I bought some maple-cured bacon that was very maple flavored - the whole house smelled like pancakes for days after I fried some up. It wasn't good for seasoning much because it was too sweet.
reply by kitchentales on Feb 28, 2011 5:35 PM ()
Yum. However, I'm trying to figure out the 3/8 cup flour measurement. Let's see.... 1/8 cup is two tablespoons, four tablespoons is 1/4 cup. What the heck is 3/8 cup??
comment by marta on Feb 26, 2011 3:01 AM ()
Heaping fourth maybe?
reply by troutbend on Feb 28, 2011 5:30 PM ()

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