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Parenting & Family > Kayleigh Update

Kayleigh Update

For those of you that didn't see Alicia's post about Kayleigh, Here is an update.

Last night about 10:30, we got a call from the hospital. "Kayleigh has air in her abdomen that shouldn't be there, we need you to come up here right away, we need to get her into emergency surgery to find out what is going on in there" She had been doing so well up until yesterday. We could tell that something was hurting her, but nobody could figure out what. They did some X-rays, and found out about the air.

Alicia stayed with Bowen, and Sharon and I rushed up there. They took her into surgery around 11:30 and had no idea what they would find. About 1:30 the surgeon came out and told us what had happened. When they did the surgery on Tuesday, they took her Intestine, stretched it down (since there was a large segment that was dead) and attached it to her rectum. At the spot where it was attached, it had a small tear. They were able to stitch up that tear, but to better the chances of it healing completely, they put in an Illiosotomy.

She made it through the surgery great, but basically we are back were we started. Instead of having an Ostomy, she now has an Illiostomy, which is basically the same thing, only in a different spot. She will have to have that for about 3 months, and then we get to go through this process again. "OH JOY".

We were hoping to take her home today, but with the emergency surgery, we are probably looking at another week before that will happen. As before, Sharon and I would greatly appreciate any and all prayers headed her way.
And we greatly appreciate all the support and well wishes we receive from our MyBloggers friends.


posted on Mar 30, 2009 12:14 PM ()

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