Just wanted to let you know about the upcoming Buddy Walk in Omaha. Coming up October 3rd. For those of you who don't know what this is, its a walk for friends, family, anyone who wants to support children with Down Syndrome. Money raised goes to promote public and family awareness of Down Syndrome to help promote a better and safer life for people who have this condition. As most of you know, our daughter Kayleigh was born with Down Syndrome. That fact has been overshadowed in her first year due to the 4 surgeries she has had to date. Anyone that has children with Down Syndrome, or knows anyone with it, knows how wonderful these children are. I wish I still had their innocence, and wonder, and joyous outlook on life.
Anyone who could pass along this link, or if you feel so inclined (and are not going to put yourself out, thats the last thing I want anyone to do) I would surely appreciate it. And if you are in or around the Omaha area October 3rd, please let us know. Our team name is "Kayleigh's Krew" and we would love to have you join us.
Thanks Everyone,

posted on July 23, 2009 1:45 PM ()
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