Frida Kahlo Images Of An Icon.
This is where we went this morning at the Lamont Gallery
Philip Exeter Academy Tan Lan.Exeter,NH
They had a series of photographic portraits of the artist
taken throughout her life time.
I first got interest in her work while visiting Mexico,City.
They had a tour there and visit the house of her husband
Diego Rivera.His neice at the time was showing us around and many photograph of the famed couple.
She is known just about everywhere in Central America.
While in Guatemala,she is very well known and loved.
Mike and I always stop at at resturant there named after her.
Photograph include works by the master such as Imogen
Cunninham and Manuel Alvarez Bravo,as well as work from
leading photojournalists,friends,realtives of Frida.
She was the most photograpehd woman in the 20th century Mexico.
Over the past decade,the general public has fallen deeper in love with Kahlo inculding me.
She was a woman of strenght and the beauty solidifed her
stance as an iconic figure..
They were over 100 photograph of Kahlo and Rivera.
She died in 1954.
She wore colorful traditional Mexican dress with chunky jewerly covering her fingers,neck and ears.
She was a beautiful woman and a fascinating subject.
She must have agreed ,because the majority of her work are self-portraits.
If you have a chance there is a web pages full on information on her and husband Diego Rivera.
More people learned more about her with the release of the
movie"Frida illustrated her life and Selma Hayak played her.
I suggest to see this film."Frida"
We had a great time there and enjoying reading and seeing the photographs.
Thank you.Fredo

Look At that,how beautiful is that/