Dale(Panthurdreams)was the one to name this plant.
This plant is call Trumpet Flower Plant.
They also have Trumpet Flower clinging vine plants.
That you see climbing on some sort of pedestal.
These were mostly used in Victorian Home.
They can be a nuisance if they are not taking care of.
Also,some plant this in the Butter fly garden.
They attracts hummingbird,butterfly,bees etc.
They come in different colors.
The plant I believed derived from Central America.
Very easy to care and they do come back year after year.
For us they do.
Now the garden is slowly passing with the frost we had in
the last couple of nights.
We did manage to cover up the parsley and dill.
Not a killer frost yet.
We should get some nice weather next month.
Indian Summer.Till then enjoyed what we have.
The plant alsnameded Campsis radicans
Enjoy the rest of the afternoon on this lovely day.