We had this for quite some time now.
Every year its gets better.
This attracts bees along with humming birds and other
pollinators.Also serve as butterfly nectar source
I also think that maybe they make tea from this.
If you love hummingbirds and butterfly this is the plant
that you should get.
We have red,white,pink,lavendar.
Sometime they get sort of mildew and there is a powerery
substance on the plants.My suggestion is to cut back and
it will come back as a newer foilage.
Here is another shot of it.

As you know we have all type of flowers here.
We have lilies of the field,Zinnas,merrigold,daisy etc.
We enjoyed seeing the butterfly and the bees along with the
hummingbirds.They even appear on our deck with the rest
of the plants that we have there.
Have a great weekend.
Talk to you later.
Notice that Martin is back and it is so nice to have him
back with us.He is coming along great.
Take some time and wish him welcome back to us.
We missed him.(well some of us do)