Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
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Life & Events > The Latest on Governor Lynch and Gay Marriages.

The Latest on Governor Lynch and Gay Marriages.



A courageous step forward for Lynch
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Gov. John Lynch's announcement yesterday took personal and political courage. For that, New Hampshire owes him a debt of gratitude.

If legislators agree to amend the same-sex marriage bill to include further protections for religious institutions, Lynch will sign it. Those protections, similar to the ones approved in Connecticut and Vermont, should meet with quick approval. If so, New Hampshire will soon be the sixth state in the nation to legalize gay marriage.

How far we have come. And how quickly.

It was not so long ago that some New Hampshire legislators felt comfortable making vile remarks about homosexuals on the floor of the House and Senate - and were reelected without trouble. It was not so long ago that gay people in New Hampshire were denied the right to adopt children. It was not so long ago that enacting civil unions for gay couples felt like a radical act - indeed, some lawmakers said they would vote for civil unions but drew the line at gay marriage.

And it was not so long ago that Lynch himself made clear how uncomfortable he was with the notion of gay marriage. Indeed, some political observers assumed he would work hard to keep the legislation from his desk and, failing that, veto it.

This, more than anything else, is what made the governor's announcement yesterday so remarkable, and so heartening.

"My personal views on the subject of marriage have been shaped by my own experience, tradition and upbringing. But as governor of New Hampshire, I recognize that I have a responsibility to consider this issue through a broader lens," Lynch said yesterday.

"I have heard, and I understand, the very real feelings of same-sex couples that a separate system is not an equal system. That a civil law that differentiates between their committed relationships and those of heterosexual couples undermines both their dignity and the legitimacy of their families."

Was there political calculation involved? Of course.

Were religious institutions truly imperiled by the language of the existing bill? We're skeptical - but willing to leave that to the lawyers.

Will there be a political price to pay - for Lynch and for lawmakers who have embraced the legislation? No doubt.

But the upshot is this: Assuming legislative leaders can rally yet another positive vote, gay couples and families will no longer be treated as second-class citizens by New Hampshire law. That's not true of federal statutes, of course, but the growing number of states and courts to come to this conclusion will surely get Washington's attention.

Even if he hadn't wanted to veto the gay marriage bill, Lynch could have let it become law without his signature. Instead, he has chosen to get out front. History will surely show that he was on the side of justice. He has made a powerful statement in support of individual liberties and nondiscrimination.

Thank you, Governor.


Did the governor lie? I don't think so...
By Gaia on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 12:54
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
... but I'd be willing to be shown proof. He definitely stated his personal beliefs on many occasions. I don't remember ever hearing his say (or reading that he said) he would veto a gay marriage bill. They are two different things. Would you tell me I had lied if I said I dont' believe in paying taxes, but proceed to lawfully pay my taxes anyway?

Leaders must sometimes put their personal beliefs aside in order to do what is right for the people they lead. Leaders who refuse to do this are called dictators.

Let's put the shoe on the other foot. If the governor had been saying all along that he believes in gay marriage, but then vetoed this bill, most of his detractors would be praising his courage for "doing the right thing."

courage or cowardice?
By LIAMD2 on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 12:53
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
Who yells louder - gay rights advocates or traditional folks? You know that old saying, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Looks like Lynch just greased the gay mafia. What's next?

Was Governor Lynch courageous in the reappointment of the attorney general?
By dave coltin on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 12:18
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
During the nomination hearings for Attorney General Ayotte, the Executive Council responded to the following post in the Monitor on 3/26/09, asking the Attorney General for a response: Basic sensibility would demand that the Executive Council investigate the concerns of a federal judge who orders an investigation of Kelly Ayotte. This takes on added importance when the public does not have the opportunity to cast their vote and must rely on five individuals who supposedly are acting in their best interests. Federal Judge Joseph Laplante called for an investigation after a detailed review of information he received regarding Ayotte during his nomination hearings in the fall of 2007. / The Attorney General responded in a long, evasive two page letter that raises many questions, but answers none. The governor refuses to release the letter, which, again, raises many questions. For further information contact

Governor Lynch should be impeached
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 11:46
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
Actually, there's nothing courageous that Lynch did. He lied to the people of New Hampshire and at the very least should have called for a referendum than to outright lie. What your editorial board fails to recognize is that this is NOT in line with the will of the people of New Hampshire. They didn't vote for a pro-gay marriage governor or legislature but got one anyway. Governor Lynch should be impeached for directly lying to his people.

Thanks to Governor Lynch and to the CONCORD MONITOR
By torqueflite on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 11:22
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
Thanks, Governor Lynch, for finding a way to ensure marriage equality in the Granite State. I am a Coloradan and I married my partner of 31 years last summer in San Francisco. Today is the first anniversary of the CA Supreme Court's decision, In Re: Marriage Cases, unfortunately abrogated by Proposition 8. New England is now in the leader in equal protection in the U.S. I'd also like to thank the CONCORD MONITOR for printing my remarks, something which the Manchester Union Leader won't do without a lot of ridiculous and burdensome preconditions. Best wishes to all of the citizens of New Hampshire.

Thank you Governor Lynch!
By proudofNH on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 11:09
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
My family & I would like to thank Governor Lynch for his courage & support to all of NH's citizens. We are truly blessed to have such an open-minded, intelligent, courageous Governor, whom can separate his own personal beliefs & feelings from his duties as OUR Governor, allowing him to do what's best for ALL of NH's citizens. Equality for all, thank you!

Lynch never lied
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 10:32
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
He lied to me when he said he would call me about another issue

Hardly Courage
By wss1 on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 10:26
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
Inevitable? Yes. Far too many out of state special interests dropped cash on the state to hold the issue off indefinitely. If not this year, next or the next.

Progress? Questionable. The issue is really only about whether a bureaucrat says it is ok for you to commit to someone. Getting the state out of any marriage all together would have been smarter.

Courage? HA! What, did Lynch suddenly have an epiphany? Did the Ghost of Gay Marriage in the Future visit him while he cowered under his desk and whisper words of wisdom to him? Where was this "wise one" during the debate or when the bill was being negotiated in the House and Senate?

Do not dumb down "courage" because a stunningly weak politician figured out a way to weasel out of taking a position of leadership.

Not so courageous...
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 10:25
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
just forward-thinking. In 20-30 years we can look back at the decision and say it was the right thing to do, and we were at the forefront of a movement whose time had come. Just like electing a black man president, which was unimaginable 30-40 years ago.

Hooray! NH just jumped into 2009!!!!
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 09:55
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
This is great news...finally we are out of the dark ages & dark opinions. I am not gay but really feel people should be able to choose for themselves how they want to live their lives...freedom of FREE or die and all that actually means something now.

Lynch never lied
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 09:33
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
I feel bad for all these people crying that Lynch went back on his word. Go back and look at his statements, he always said "I believe..." That is a smooth political way of referencing ones personal beliefs while leaving enough room to go the other way and say, " as Gov, Rep, Senator, etc I have to set aside my personal beliefs and do what is best for my state."

So all these people whose kids have no role model and all that crap now that Lynch supposedly lied, you still have Hannah Montana!

I do disagree with the Monitor though, this was not courageous, this was another way to weasel out, play both sides, and buy more time, knowing that the changes may not make it into the bill.

Passing Bills
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 07:54
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
Now if only the Governor could be so courageous with passing the medicinal marijuana bill and satisfy not just gay people but so many who suffer and find great relief in a drug no more harmful than the thousands of pills that sit on someone shelf.

Same Sex Marriage Pretense to Challenge Federal DOMA
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 07:46
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
The claim that same sex marriage would not affect the states retirement fund by the governor and liberal democrats is false. This is a coordinated effort with GLAD which in Massachusetts has filed a lawsuit challenging the federal DOMA in March 2009. GLAD hopes to have as many states as possible to have same sex marriage on its books to argue that that same sex marriage is now a fundamental right where six states now recognize same sex marriage. Since the term "marriage" is used in federal law, GLAD can reference NH, ME, VT, CT, and IA. See GLAD's website regarding this at

Lynch on Gay Marriage
By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 07:44
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
He is not at all courageous. He proved himself to be a liar and someone whose word can never be trusted. I brought my children up to believe that their word is their most important asset. If people can not take you at your word, you will be at a terrifc loss. Apparently, that is not an important value to the Lynch family.

By Anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 07:35
article_title: A courageous step forward for Lynch
article_pubdate: 20090515
If, by your own admission, there was obviously "political calulation involved" for Lynch, how is this a "courageous step forward" for him? The NH House and Senate (along with the media) basically forced his hand.

Gosh, how "remarkable and heartening." NH voters should feel such a deep "debt of gratitude" to Guv Lynchie for actually taking a position on a controversial issue.


posted on May 15, 2009 10:16 AM ()

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