Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
Epsom, NH
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Skilled Labor - Trades


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Alfredo Thoughts

Life & Events > Breaking News:

Breaking News:

Dear alfredo,

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is pushing for a vote tomorrow on his
version of an energy bill that does nothing to decrease our dependence
on foreign oil.

Reid's bill does nothing to lift the offshore drilling ban, or open up
rich oil fields in northern Alaska, or expand our nuclear capacity.

Even worse...

Reid is using Senate rules to BLOCK any and all attempts to get a vote
on lifting the offshore drilling ban! This is classic hardball political
tactics and we need to strike back just as hard!

+ + Action Item #1 -- Sign the Petition

Because this is such a crisis, I have instructed my staff to arrange
petition deliveries EVERY DAY to Sen. Reid's office demanding that
the ban on offshore drilling be lifted.

alfredo, we've never done anything quite like this at Grassfire
before, but I cannot sit by silently as Reid blocks any votes on real
solutions to the energy crisis.

In just a few days, over 138,000 citizens have signed our petition.
But our records show that you have not yet signed. Go here now to sign:

+ + Action Item #2 -- Call Harry Reid Now!

Reid is pushing for a "cloture" vote tomorrow (Friday) that will block
any amendments. That means we have very little time. That's why I want
to flood Harry Reid's offices with calls from citizens demanding that
he allow the Republican amendments be heard to his energy bill. We
must shut down the phone lines in the Senate!


#1 -- I am outraged that Sen. Reid is pushing for a "cloture" vote
on S. 3268 without allowing amendments to be heard.

#2 -- The energy crisis deserves a real debate in Congress. I want
Sen. McConnell's proposed amendments to be debated.

#3 -- I demand that Congress take action to lift the ban on drilling
on the Outer Continental Shelf BEFORE Congress takes its month-
long summer holiday.


Sen. Harry Reid: DC --202-224-5556 or 202-224-3542
Nevada numbers: 702-388-5020, 775-686-5750, 775-882-7343

Your Senators:

Sen. Gregg 202-224-3324
Sen. Sununu 202-224-2841

+ + More dirty tricks from the Senate...

I am sick and tired of members of Congress playing games with the
American people -- pretending to address the energy crisis but not
even allowing a real debate!

Thank you for taking action!


P.S. Again, the key vote is expected to take place tomorrow.
Please forward this message and alert your friends.

++Sign our "Offshore Drilling" petition:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This
e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
To contact with comments, questions or to change
your status, see link at the end.)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + Feedback or comments on this update?

Go to and post your comments so that the Grassfire
staff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from your
thoughts and opinions:

+ + Technical questions only:

For technical questions regarding this email, go here:
(Not for comments/feedback on this update)

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong
network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give
you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.


posted on July 24, 2008 4:48 PM ()


I have to agree with looserobes. It is not even worth effort because of the damage it could cause and how little is there and how long it would take to process. It is a movement that will appease the ignorant masses.
comment by lunarhunk on July 25, 2008 8:42 AM ()
Lifting the ban on off-shore drilling is NOT a viable solution to the energy crisis.
comment by looserobes on July 25, 2008 7:43 AM ()

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