Shopping went fine yesterday even tho I'm not a shopper. I've never been one who enjoyed fighting the crowds and browsing. My hubby however loves it. I'm more of a...get in get out type of person....he's more of a lets look at this for an hour and a half. But we did ok...
I got a new computer. It's a Gateway GT5676....and got a fairly good deal. It's still sitting in the box as I type this..LOL
There were people everywhere yesterday and I hate crowds. I'm clostrophopic and after awhile things just sort of start closing in. I start sweating and I forget my name. It's lovely. *insert eye roll here*
But we had a good day, we left the computer at the store so they could add a few things, and we went and did a little more shopping.
We went to K-Mart..(I love that store)...and I got a couple pair of pants for work, and then we went and had a nice dinner at Cracker Barrel. By that time the computer was ready so we picked it back up from the store and headed home.
It's been a quiet morning, I've got the window open and can hear the rain falling. Everything is quiet...just a lazy Sunday Morning...
It sounds like a good shopping spree. And Cracker Barrel...yum.