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Fabulous Life Of A Nobody!!

Entertainment > He's Back..

He's Back..

Ok, we'll come to the title in a sec...for the moment I have a beef! I just saw the Departed with Matt Damon and Leonardo Decaprio....great movie but the ended really PISSES me OFF! GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrneeeeeessssssss!!!!!

He's back, that would be for my DD, Her dad has not seen her in 13+ years and called Thursday. Him and I picked up our conversation like it had been yesterday, scary thing? So did they! He tells her he owns a business and goes to Cuba yearly and has been doing great. Really? Hmmm, I have not had a penny of CS [child support] in all those years and yet HE is doing FABULOUS!

He plans on seeing her before she turns 17 in Dec....think it's too much to ask him to buy her a car?

I need to add to this cause I am so frikking torn. When Andy and I were a couple he was such a con artist and a huge player. He would call me after we split and inform me he was gonna kill himself if I wouldn't go back with him. He was a loser. A con, a guy that spoke big but acted small.

When I left him he was shooting up. I found needle marks on him a lot and got scared for me and my kids and hightailed.

I worked, he did not.

Can a person like that change? I WANT to believe it but....

My baby is going to be the only casualty of this. She is going to be so hurt and un-trusting of us all if he is not what he says, and she DOES believe him....she thinks after one conversation that he is fantastic.

Oh God? What do I do?


Looser I am; I just called every number he left and came up blank. He sucks, but now that he has talked to my baby (DD) she thinks he is gold. Oh Lord, what a can of worms I have opened by letting her answer her facebook. Seriously don't know what to do on this and think I may seek proffesional help.'s got me that frigged up!

posted on Sept 21, 2008 11:12 PM ()


Be afraid very afraid
comment by grumpy on Sept 24, 2008 6:08 PM ()
After overcoming addictions myself and spending 28 in an in-house treatment program back in the eighties, let me just say that I have seen people like Andy change, but not without TONS of work and effort.
Something tells me that Andy is not the success that he protrayed to DD. But DD WANTS to believe that her dad is a good guy.
You're right, if the Andy ever does show up to see her, he is going to break her heart.
If I were you, I'd prepare DD for the worst. Tell her what you afraid of, but don't put her father down, or she will just shut you off.
If you forbid her to see her father, she will hate you and mistrust you. So, I'd let the meeting take place WITH YOU PRESENT AT ALL TIMES. There are some things that DD is just going to have to find out for herself.
Sorry, hon. This is tough one!
comment by hayduke on Sept 24, 2008 9:52 AM ()
I was just thinking that rarely are there changes in con artists. I have someone in my family who sounds like this jerk. Unfortunately, you are correct in worrying about your child. It will be a difficult time for you and her.
comment by angiedw on Sept 22, 2008 10:48 AM ()

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