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Education > K through 12 > A Recipe for Fame:

A Recipe for Fame:

I've been wondering why so many people are simply famous for being famous. My high school only recognised the contributions of the best rugby and cricket players. No one else was deemed worthy of acclaim. Despite myself I felt annoyed that at sixteen, after taking the lead in school plays and operas, being in the gymnastics team and winning the singing cup, not even one ‘Well done” had been offered by the headmaster who didn't even know my name.
Mark, my father’s wartime buddy who ran the local First Aid Centre told me he was giving a series of first aid lectures to the teachers of my school because there had been so many accidents. He needed a model, preferably naked so as to easily demonstrate joints, bandaging, pressure points and so on. My father reckoned that as I was devoid of inhibitions I should do it.
An audible gasp hung in the air when I entered. Every staff member was there, arranged in a semi-circle a couple of metres from me on the tiny stage. My biology teacher later confided that I looked as if I'd been poured from bronze because at Mark’s insistence my body was as hairless as a statue and lightly glossed with oil. A ‘straw’ filter in a spotlight gave me the ‘bronze’ look.
Suddenly every teacher knew my name and greeted me in the corridors and on the street. I was promoted to ‘Prefect” and thanked at assembly for my contribution to the first aid efforts of the school.
So there you are. Drop your jeans and fame will arrive.

posted on June 3, 2008 5:09 AM ()


Did you get your 15 minutes worth?
comment by solitaire on June 7, 2008 1:03 PM ()
That is so cool! It was the same in my high school. Fames was automatically placed on the athletes, though we might have been kinder on success in other areas/organizations.
comment by lunarhunk on June 3, 2008 12:05 PM ()
do you think that I have a chance to drop my pants.
comment by fredo on June 3, 2008 9:49 AM ()
Some things never change "Drop your jeans and fame will arise"--still happens today! That's why we have so many no talented 'celebrities' today--at least you were talented or so I have heard!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 3, 2008 8:34 AM ()
comment by mustakim on June 3, 2008 8:02 AM ()
I guess they didn't have Speedo trunks in those days...
comment by looserobes on June 3, 2008 6:11 AM ()
Pity no pics available lol
comment by itsjustme on June 3, 2008 5:33 AM ()

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