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Living Day By Day

Life & Events > Things May Be Looking Up

Things May Be Looking Up

well things might be looking up i'm really not sure yet. today at work was just alot of stress again. but at least the new gm was gone more than she was there today. yesterday was crazy. every call i got for a reservation or just price quote for a room i did wrong or told them the wrong price. so finally i just took the phone and disappeared down to the laundry room to help the girls with laundry. when i walked in this morning she was sitting in the office again and i thought oh no another day like yesterday. and the stress hit right away again. i know alot of you know how i was a year or so again with my anxiety, depression, and my plate feeling like it was always overflowing. well it is getting that way again and that scares the hell out of me. i will not live that life again. i can't live that life again.

lucky she had things to do today that got her out of the office for some of the day. so the stress went down a little. or should i say i thought it was going to. no it did most of the morning and part of the afternoon. but about 2 o'clock it hit again. we got a big shipment of stuff in. ice buckets lids, waste baskets, trays etc. so she asked the girls (housekeepers) to get them in the rooms before they left for the day. so they took the waste baskets and the ice buckets and started putting them in all the rooms. well she started opening everything else and found out we got alot of the wrong stuff. but she had to leave and get something else done so she was talking to the company when she left. well about a 1/2 hour later she calls back. said she feels really bad but the garbage cans the girls just got done putting in all the upstairs rooms are the wrong ones. tell them they all have to be pulled back out and the old ones put back in. so i went and told them. they were not happy but went back and did it.

a little while later the gm came back in. i thought oh 10 minutes till the end of my shift i can handle this and i am out of here for 2 days. oh no it couldn't be that easy. of course not what was i thinking. she decided that there should be different papers put in fold guest folios in all the rooms. so at 5 till 3 i am going room to room putting these paper in the rooms. ok done with that 315 and i am out of here. i didn't even go back to the office. iwent to the laundry room punched out and went to the office and grabbed my purse and said to the night shift lady i am out of here and didn't look back. i got out of my car lit a smoke and drove away thinking to myself it will be ok. you don't have to go back for 2 days.

so ok now i know all of you are thinking why did she call this article (things may be looking up.) with all things that have happened today. i got a call yesterday from shopko and i have a interview tomorrow morning with them for a cashier position. so please everybody cross your fingers, toes, and what ever else you can cross that i get this job. i will you all know what i find out.

ok i am done rambling now i have to get something done around here. i am going to stay with my niece and her kids tomorrow and tomorrow night. i just have to get out of dodge for a day.


posted on Oct 9, 2008 10:55 PM ()


Good luck with your interview. I have my fingers crossed for you.
comment by meranda on Oct 10, 2008 7:53 AM ()
Let's see... If you look at the "past" 3 years of my life. I probably lived in a dozen places.. I probably slept in a "dozen" ditches (when homeless).. If I "remember correct, I even did some jailtime"..

Now to my "POINT" Dawn.. WE all have to "experience alot". Talking about it (helps.. certainly for me) Is good. But,,,,,

At some point, you need to "Realize" life will happen. Go with the "Flow".. Don't let everything "STRESS YOU".. Serious, if I told you all the "REAL" stresses I have, you'd freek!! For your own good, I'm just saying.. learn to "Chill". Takes practice (I know). Learn to be cool/calm.. will serve ya best...

comment by coincutter on Oct 10, 2008 2:16 AM ()

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