lloyd and i and all the kids had our christmas on christmas eve. it was very nice. we had turkey, potatoes, corn and stuffing for supper. it was all very good. thought were going to have a ton of food left over, but they are all growing so we didn't have much for left overs. the kids did the dishes. family rule dishes are done and put away before the presents get opened. usually don't take to long and they don't argue about doing them on that night(only time they don't argue over doing them). lol we opened presents and i think all of them were happy with what they got. i got a plug in tea pot and a sweatshirt that i really wanted from lloyd and the kids and tommy (my oldest son) gave us a gift card to pizza hut. that was nice we love pizza hut pan pizza. now we just have to argue over what kind. lol anyway it was very nice to have all the kids together on that special day.

kara tom matt mike cayden collin

grandma and cayden


tommy abby(his girlfriend) and collin

kara (sweatthing) and kenny (her fiance)

matt and tom


cayden mmmmm tastes very good

collin drinking a bottle and cayden poseing
hope you all had a very merry christmas
love butterfly