One thing in life is for sure – change.
Without it things would be stagnant and boring.
Think about it.
No growth, no birth, no learning, no discovery, no surprises, no laughter, no tears.
I could handle the “no tears†part but when you stop and consider it, sadness and pain are essential for honing our quality and appreciation for life itself.
Not knowing what’s ‘just around the corner’ can be most stimulating and instil a sense of excited anticipation of the future.
Maintaining and projecting positivity can colour and affect all that unfolds for us.
There are, and always will be, difficulties and stumbling blocks but hey, that keeps us on our toes, strengthens character and heightens our sense of appreciation.
The Universe is constantly changing – evolving and unfolding.
We are a part of the Universe and a part of all these changes – whether or not we like or accept them.
The “inward†influence of the Cosmos on us is constant.
I believe, through our thoughts and actions, likewise we send “outward†influences back out into the Cosmos.
We, in our miniscule capacity, can effect the growth and changes that the Universe is undergoing right now!
Only through change can things improve and develop to their full potential.
So when you feel bored, can’t be bothered, or curled up with a book and don’t want to be disturbed and liking things just the way there are, if the phone or doorbell rings – answer it!
It may be the beginning of something wonderful.
It might change your life.
Expressing my thoughts on stuff like this is highly therapeutic for me.
As I progress in life, having learned much but practising less of it at times, I need to remind myself of what I truly believe to be true.
We all need reminding.
Oooops, excuse me, someone’s at my door . . . . .