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Life & Events > Retirement > Just Saying . . .

Just Saying . . .

This is a wonderful time of year isn't it?
Just a few weeks ago, the a/c was humming away in the kitchen and I was frantically watering my plants and garden twice a day because of the drought.
Today the wood stove has been fired up and the sump pump has proven once again that it still works.
Tell me then, why do some people suffer when the seasons change?
The transition from Winter to Spring doesn't seem to have quite a dramatic impact on us as Summer into Fall into Winter. Or so it seems.
My ancestors and I have been born and raised in this latitude and should therefore become acclimated to the changing seasons - right?
Not necessarily.
So what then?
I believe that temperature and sunlight play a large part in effecting our brain - therefore our demeanor.
One of my favorite expressions is, "I don't care what the temperature is. As long as the sun is shining, it's a good day." Mind you I'd prefer it to be +20C rather than -20C but the sun makes my day better.
Someone once told me that you should look directly into the sun for a few seconds since it triggers all kinds of endorphins, hormones and other good stuff that will make you feel energized and generally well etc.
If I do that, it's only briefly. I find the sun on my face or body (temperature permitting), certainly feels healing. Sometimes putting my hands up, palms out to the sun, I can feel the absorption of heat and energy - nice!
There are folks on the planet that live in a warmer climate year round and complain about the heat - just like me, only in reverse!
Water plays a part in how we feel too.
As the oceans move in time to the push and pull of gravity and the surrounding planets, we being largely made up of water, respond too.
Somethings so natural yet impacting us by 'surprise' every year.
So, I say to myself,"Self, things are changing again like they do every year. Now get outside in the sun and get the stink blown off you!" (my Mother said that)
The only certain thing in life is change.
Being born under the Sign of Taurus, I thrive on order and routine. When things change, you'll hear about it.
I guess it's the same with the weather and seasons.
What's your excuse?

P.S. As usual, I wanted to post some pictures along with my blog but it seems I'm unable to do that right now . . . . wth?

posted on Sept 24, 2012 4:57 AM ()


It took me 18 years to get used to the nine months of rain we'd get in my last place of residence. Now I'm back in "sunny California" but the habit of being outdoors has left me. I still want to nestle inside.
comment by maggiemae on Sept 27, 2012 9:48 PM ()
I thrive on warmth and sunshine but there is something to be said for a
silvery gray day and a cozy fire...just not too often please.
comment by elderjane on Sept 25, 2012 5:31 AM ()
I'm totally with you on all of this. I can't get enough sunshine. I'll sit outside, out of the wind, even if it's 30 degrees, just to be in the sun.
Good post!
comment by solitaire on Sept 25, 2012 4:58 AM ()
We have sun for 2 - 3 month out of every year. The rest of the time it's raining.
When Eddie's away the gremlins will play.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 24, 2012 1:17 PM ()

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