The daylight still offers warmth and the off chance of sunburn but the nights remind me that Fall has arrived.
I've already started to burn in the wood-stove at night to keep off the chill and dampness.
My winter icebreaker earlier this year, began in February when I hauled out my summer clothes and began sorting and chiseling down to what I thought I was going to need for the month spent in Florida.
When I arrived there, with my luggage in tow, bulging and weighing a ton, my summer officially began.
Returning back to my home in a more northern latitude, time had allowed for things to warm and green up here.
The transition from the south to the north wasn't too difficult.
Now June, July, August and almost all of September have come and gone.
My tropical tan hasn't deepened any and is somewhat still intact.
This month of September has however, forced me to hunt out and wear long pants and appropriate footwear.
Now my beautiful tattoo - (yes, I got one! it was the last and most expensive thing I did in Florida - naughty me!)will be hidden from view!
The thing that I find most difficult to adjust to though,
is wearing shoes and sox.
Wearing sandals and flip flops everyday for over 4 months can really be a fashion statement but best of all - damned comfortable!
Now, my fallen arches have to firm up and my poor toes complain loudly of being couped up and suffocated.
I have a lot of footwear - shoes for all seasons - but I love my old rubber thonged, sponge soled slip-ons the best.
There may be some warm days ahead when I can sit out back in the autumn sun and let my tan faded, nail painted, beach trodders enjoy the last rays of a Canadian summer.
They, like the rest of me, dream of summer sun, ocean breezes and hot white sand.
It's been one of the longest and most memorable summers.
My summer clothes are once again neatly piled in the spare room ready for winter storage.
But not my thongs - not yet.
We have Indian summer yet to come I hope and if so, you'll hear me coming from a mile away - flip, flop, flip, flop . . . .
Step lively xxx

Florida Feet