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Life & Events > Employee Wages and Raises

Employee Wages and Raises

On Tuesday, I was talking to someone on the house phone and all of a sudden, I get a call from my store Manager (which has been gone for over a week out of town). This was strange, since I didn't have to work that day. My first thought was that I might be in trouble for something that I had no knowledge of, or he wanted to me to come into work. However, that was not the case.
He said he liked how I took over while he was away and he mentioned the fairly long cleaning list I had up for people to do when they got bored and some other little random notes in the store. I told him that I really didn't take over and that in fact, I have left work and hour early on most days (because business can be slow and labor percentages would be a bit high). Regardless of me being completely honest with him, he appeared to be impressed, and told me congradulations because he was giving me a raise! So, either way that you look at it, my hourly pay went up 50 cents more! For a small carry out/delivery pizza place, that pretty good! Totally unexpected! Damn it! Anytime I think of leaving that hell hole, something either keeps me around, or I give up looking, or now this! lol! He just basically told me not to say anything to the crue since I am the first one to receive a raise.
Speaking of raises and employee's pay..it appears that minimum wage has gone up today from $5.85 per hour, to $6.55. Now that seems pretty good to finally have that happen and all, but prices on store products all the way to high gas prices, went up before this. So this will probably mean that prices on everything, will go up again, and start dampering our moods even further into what we might as well call another depression....regardless if some may not agree that we are in a state of depression at this time.
Anyways, my fiancee and I went out again last night to have some drinks and eat at the restraunt/bar by the river and sat outside looking at the water and the boats go by. Very pleasant place to be.
That's it for now peeps. Have an awesome day!

posted on July 24, 2008 7:40 AM ()


Congrats on the raise!! And I totally agree... the minimum wage in no way measures up to the price of inflation! And then there's the other side of the coin... when minimum wage increased in Ontario, my sister told me how concerned her boss was because she was already barely making ends meet to keep the store opened, and now this would cost her even more. The government doesn't subsidize business people who have to pay these new wages. I think my sister's boss ended up having to reduce her number of staff or something to make it work. Either way, it really is a sad state of affairs any way you look at it.
comment by mellowdee on July 26, 2008 9:25 AM ()
Congrats on your raise!!!
comment by hopefields on July 26, 2008 2:25 AM ()
That was nice of your boss.You work so hard,you deserve it and more.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 24, 2008 9:29 PM ()
Unfortunatly the "increase" will not compete with the rising prices of everything. Sadly it is the employers(big business, not so much the little guys) that are exploiting their employees. I was just doing some research with a friend of mine who is currently looking for work. In his field they are paying exactly the same as what they paid ten years ago. But then gas was under a dollar, spending 100 at the grocery was more than enough to get you through, etc etc. As our econony goes into the toilet and people wonder why we are not spending what we used to it goes directly to our wages and the worth of our work in this country. I am lucky enough to be in a good company, but in Florida,(where I am) the right to work state, it is very sad indeed
comment by ducky on July 24, 2008 5:15 PM ()
I wouldn't mind getting a pay cheque but I suppose I'd have to get a job.
comment by nittineedles on July 24, 2008 1:44 PM ()
Wouldn't it be nice though if employors were forced to give us that extra money for the increase in min wage? My salary wont go up because of it.
comment by meranda on July 24, 2008 9:46 AM ()
Sounds like a nice place for dinner. Reminds me of hanging out by the East River when I lived in "The City".
comment by jjoohhnn on July 24, 2008 7:48 AM ()

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