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Life & Events > Today, Tonight, and the Future

Today, Tonight, and the Future

Work is over and my foot has been better through about half the day (see previous blog entry).
On Monday, I am going to make appointments for my son and I (I am pretty sure he might be due for update shots). For me, I am just going to see if trying to have a kid, has worked yet (can't tell at this time). If so, time to completely quit smoking. That's going to be a hard one since I have smoking for 23 years. But it will be good for me and the baby...if I am. If not, then we will keep trying.
I wonder how big I will get if we can make this happen. When I was pregnent with Reagan (that's my son's name), I only weighed 147 pounds the day before he was born. But since these are healther times (and not stressful either), I might blow up a bit.
We still haven't talked about names for a girl or a boy yet, but if it were a girl, I want the first and middle name to be Crystal Jade. For a boy, I have no clue yet....
Anyways, I am out for the evening. I think I will watch some tv and and relax. Goodnight people!

posted on July 26, 2008 7:15 PM ()


Start taking your vitamins and folic acid now,before getting pregnant.I am so excited for you.Love the name you have picked out for a girl. Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 28, 2008 4:10 PM ()
I smoked for 32 years and after I don't know how many attempts I was finally able to quit cold turkey. I missed smoking so much for the first two years after quitting. I even dreamed about it. I've been a non-smoker for eight years now and I'm so glad I quit. Good luck with your quitting and getting pregnant.
comment by nittineedles on July 26, 2008 8:19 PM ()

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