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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Oliver Cromwell and Neath

Oliver Cromwell and Neath

Oliver Cromwell did have Welsh blood. It seems that one Morgan Williams married a sister of Thomas Lord Cromwell. His son Sir Richard Williams seems to have taken the name Cromwell and was given large parts of the Neath Abbey lands on the Dissolution of the Abbey.

Robert Cromwell a grandson of Sir Richard married Elizabeth, a daughter of Sir Thomas Stuart of Ely and in 1599 they had a son - Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector.

When Oliver Cromwell came to Glamorgan [Civil War]he tried to get the cooperation of some of his Williams cousins. He wrote to the Williams family of Aberpergwm reminding him of their relationship.

This placed the Williams family in a difficult position because they were also connected through marriage to some of the great estates of Glamorgan ( Williams was married to a sister of one of the Bassetts, who was Sheriff at that time) who were all Royalists.

In 1648 a group of Cromwells troups passed through the Vale of Neath and fired cannon shot at Aberpergwm and it seems that as Williams was mounting his horse a cannonball carried off his leg.

posted on Feb 19, 2008 9:57 AM ()


Good on you! I too am a royalist. I had heard so many 'rumours' about Cromwell having passed through Neath, but, I also had many others 'poo- pooing', the idea. Once upon a time, I used to work 'behind the bar' in our local hostelry; it is a very old pub which goes back to the Civil War. Whilst working there, I heard lots of tales about it's past including an apparent suicide of a serving girl, who had taken her life after being discarded by one of Cromwells troops (her ghost, appears now and again). I, have never seen her, but, down in the cellars, kitchen and up-stair balcony rooms, many people have encountered her.
When I found, this article, I was quite chuffed! Especially, as my sister is married to the 'family' of the 'Williams' who once lived in Aberpergym House!
comment by augusta on Feb 21, 2008 2:43 PM ()
When we visited Ely in 1994, walking back to the parking lot from the cathedral I came upon Cromwell's house there. So as a confirmed Royalist, I peed on it.
comment by jondude on Feb 19, 2008 2:38 PM ()

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