. . . Today was the official 1st day of Spring. Nowadays, I think they've altered it to the start, of March.
It's also the birthday of my late (maternal) grandmother (mam seven).
Forty one (!!!!!!!) years ago today was a Thursday. Me and my best mate Laraine had 'bunked' off school and went to The Natural History Museum in South Kensington (Exhibition Row). This venue was a much frequented place for us (we were 'dedicated professional truants' . . . if there had been a category for bunking off school, we could have won a 'Duke of Edinburgh' gold medal for it)!!! The 'Natural History M.' also has a corridor which takes the visitor directly into 'The Science Museum' next door (thus dodging any 'weather' fluctuations) lol! I think we both gained much of our education, from frequenting these and all the other museums dotted around London . . . (they were all 'free' then too)! That, plus the purchase of a 'Red Rover' bus ticket, enabled us to peruse the capital at our leisure . . . and actually learn things too.
I digress . . . so, upon the day I mentioned earlier, Laraine and I had gone to the 'History' museum and it was in there, that I met Ray Jones!!! He was 17 yrs. and I was 14 yrs. He was in college and Lluuussshhhh! We went out together on & off for the next 3 years. He lived in Putney, his mum was Irish and his dad Welsh (from Snowdonia way, hence his surname).
I always remember that particular start of Spring, but it shook me today, when I actually worked out how long ago it was!! I know that in the forthcoming Easter of that year (1968) Louis Armstrong topped the charts with Wonderful World! (I loved that song, for obvious reasons) lol lol!
My 1st date with him was on the 24th March - I remember that too as it was my niece Sally's birthday - I met him outside South Kensington Underground station! Oh, where have the years gone . . . . . . . . ?