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Life & Events > 'Old Father Thames'

'Old Father Thames'

In world terms the River Thames is a relatively insignificant river being only a mere 215 miles (344 km) long but it is England's greatest river. Not only does it flow across much of the centre of the country, it is said that many of the events that made English history happened near, or were affected by, the Thames.

The bones of the oldest man (in fact a woman) to have been found in Britain, lived along the Thames perhaps a quarter of a million years ago. Her skull was found in the gravels in Swanscombe on the south bank of the Thames in north Kent.

There is evidence that the earliest of man wandered into Britain across Europe from Africa about half a million years ago, crossing from Africa to Spain across land that then spanned the Straits Of Gibralter.

 These people, known as ‘Chellean man’, lived in small communities probably in trees in river valleys or in caves along the sea shore. They used the earliest of shaped tools formed from flintstone chipped to a jagged edge following the natural contours of the stone. Chellean axes have been found in the Wey Valley, one of the lower tributaries of the Thames, and no doubt he wandered into the Thames valley itself.

 Chellean man was around for some 300,000 years!!

posted on Jan 9, 2011 4:14 AM ()


Enjoying my memories of exploring the River Thames in London in 1966 and 1967.
comment by marta on Jan 9, 2011 6:25 PM ()
They were 'THE' days to explore London and of course the river! I was telling Solitaire a few months ago, about my friend and I playing truant from school circa 1967/8/9 and visiting all the museums, art galleries, royal houses etc. (I supposes we were like a couple of 'geeks', but in fact we were trying to dodge any 'truant officer' ). I did learn a lot though, so it cannot be entirely 'bad' (found a boyfriend who I went out with for quite a long time too)

reply by augusta on Jan 10, 2011 6:51 AM ()
Good stuff. I'm glad I had a chance to see the River Thames.
comment by solitaire on Jan 9, 2011 6:43 AM ()
The Thames is so varied! From the industry of 'docklands' and the city, to the peaceful and serene areas of Oxford and other countryside locations - the river holds many secrets along it's meandering ways.

reply by augusta on Jan 10, 2011 6:41 AM ()

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