2* Do you let life control you, or do you control it?: I control it.
3* Are you hard as nails and can compete against ANY personal invitation?: Yup - gotta be

4* What's the 'Worst Date' you have ever been on? : Oh blimey, there have been too many to recall

5* How many times have you felt 'Over dressed/under dressed' for the occasion?: 'Zillions'
6* Do you think 'Public' dates with your' 'colleagues' are UN-bearable'? : No
7* How many times have you tripped over your dog, cat, partners shoes?: None, I'm too busy dodging the tools, anchors, batteries, drills and other paraphanalia . . .
8* Can you tell the difference between an air lock and a blocked toilet?: No, they both stink when released

9* What's the "ONE" job you refuse to do around the house?: Um . . . none.
10* If somebody handed you a ticket for one; A one weeks break all expenses paid, to a country of your choice would you take it "ALONE"?: No.
Copy and Paste this quiz if your (((Human))), if not let it be known that your origins maybe Vulcan lol [tongue]