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Apoliticalnut > Apoliticalnut's Comments

Apoliticalnut's Comments

For what it is worth, I supported Romney. For what it is worth, I voted for McCain in the general election.
Comment on My Abilene - Oct 24, 2008 10:32 AM ()
The GOP will lose at least two (LaHood and Weller vacancies) and possibly three (maybe Kirk) more Congressional seats in Illinois adding to the lost Crane and Hastert seats. It is hard to find many possible gains anywhere in America. The GOP does not provide any good reasons to vote Republican. It is kinda late to come up with a new "Contract For America" while we have such recent evidence of Republican hypocrisy. A mantra of "The Democrats Are Worse" is not inspiring. We might have to let the Democrats prove their incompetence before the GOP can come back.
Comment on Lost GOP About to Lose More - May 21, 2008 8:23 AM ()
It is great that you picked for you example Abraham Lincoln. Consider how vilified Lincoln was throughout the country before his nomination and election. Indeed, seven states seceded from the country between his election and inauguration with four more following shortly after. Just as today, Lincoln had a problem with Democrats who initially favored the war but who quickly became anti-war claiming the war was too long and costly. Now Lincoln is almost universally admired as a great president but in his day he was the most polarizing of presidents. Who knows how history will judge our recent presidents?
Comment on The Question Remains - Apr 25, 2008 11:32 AM ()
All America will be watching his vice-presidential selection.
Comment on Can John Mccain Complete a Full Term? - Apr 25, 2008 11:22 AM ()
You are helping us prepare for our corned beef and cabbage, thanks.
Comment on St. Padroaig's Day's a Comin' - Mar 10, 2008 9:03 AM ()
Would be happy to sign but would add that Republicans and Democrats need to realize that this is war and America must begin doing what it takes to win this war. America must reduce its dependence on foreign energy. The Democrats are correct when they preach conservation and renewable energy but the Republicans are correct when they demand drilling in ANWR and offshore as well as developing more nuclear power and oil refineries.
Comment on A Petition for the Next President ... - Mar 10, 2008 8:59 AM ()
Democrats and Republicans seem to delight in shooting themselves in the foot. BTW: Michigan voted Democrat in 2004, and most other years; Florida was Republican in 2004, and 2000 thanks to Democratic stupidity.
Comment on Democrats Shoot Themselves in the Foot Twice! - Mar 10, 2008 8:47 AM ()
While I am a new 'mybloggers' Conservative I must disagree with your opinion of Blogster. I believe we do have a right to complain about a free service. We may not have a right to demand things be done to our liking but we do have a right to go elsewhere if we do not like the service. A conservative also has a right to go elsewhere if they do not like the Republican nominee as does a liberal have that right if they do not approve of the Democratic nominee. Perhaps we should all 'waste' our vote on third party candidates.
Comment on Hello- MyBloggers Liberals - Mar 10, 2008 8:41 AM ()
I am still so upset at the GOP choice of McCain that I still hope Obama is the Democratic nominee and I just might vote third party as a protest.
Comment on That's My Girl- Hillary (Yuck) - Mar 6, 2008 12:31 PM ()
I followed your advice and joined MyBloggers. Personally I still think Hubert Humphrey is just about the greatest American never to be elected president and I am still angry that the liberal Democrats helped elect Nixon.
Comment on The Man Who Would Have Beaten Nixon - Mar 6, 2008 12:25 PM ()
Glad to see you here at MyBloggers although I miss the old Blogster. What an election with Democrats angrier at Democrats than they are at Republicans and so many Republicans far angrier at McCain than they are at Democrats.
Comment on Making Obama Blacker?! Bad Math & Joint Tickets .. - Mar 6, 2008 12:18 PM ()

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