I thought I would sit down and write an editorial just for this new site (MyBloggers).
Mostly, I write about 3 editorials a week and add them to the various blog systems that I am seen on. However, from time to time I will write one just for a particular blog system.
I haven't yet done one for MyBloggers.
It was either Friday or Saturday, I was looking at the Political Channel here at MyBloggers. The whole thing was loaded with Liberal leaning posts.
The whole freaking first page…
Man, this takes me back.
That was the way it was when I first started blogging, 4 or 5 years ago. Back then, there were not many (that I knew of) blog systems to join. You had to pay for a (dot) com address and try and list your site on a search engine. I swear the ratio was like 100 liberals to 1 conservative blogger.
So visiting MyBloggers was like a major flashback for me.
I was thinking to myself- "This is the belly of the beast. Look at all these liberals.."
But I always venture into places, even if I am not wanted.
Couple of things I wanted to talk about here-
I never "pledged allegiance" to any one blog system. So that is why I found it very strange that people were so bent out of shape about the change at Blogster.
I take offence at people who complain about a "free service." Maybe because I am in business and I feel it is fucking petty to bitch about a "free service." In a world where you have to pay for this, and there is a fee for that, signing up for a "free blogsite" is something that you shouldn't take for granted.
The people bitching the loudest about TOS (terms of service) and copyrights do not even write their own blogs. Most of them copy something- someone else wrote and they place it into their blogs. "Who's freaking rights are you worried about..??"
This is just common sense here people..!!
If you have written something that you believe is valuable, DO NOT STICK IT IN A BLOG SITE. It costs (about) $35 bucks to copyright a work at the US Copyright Office. "Try and sell your work first." Anything that I put into my blog site is either too edgy or not funny enough to sell to the newspapers and shows.
On the topic of Joe Z…
When Joe first started at Blogster, liberals picked on him because he couldn't spell very good and didn't know how to work the computer very well. I always thought that was a terrible thing to do. Pick on a guy because he cannot spell or he hit the "send" button twice.
Shame on you..!!
So now Joe is picking on you because of your beliefs..?? Can I ask you? (It hurts when someone goes person, doesn't it..??)
I realize that two wrongs do not make a right. But when you pick on a guy in a personal way, you should expect that he may come back personally at you.
So here I am..
Right in the middle of the "MyBloggers Liberals."
That might be a good name for democrats- "MyBloggers Liberals." Think about it..!! The site is called- MyBloggers. There are a lot of liberals here.
Plus, liberals dwell in the gray area. They are for the war in Iraq, but then against it. They allow waterboarding during the Clinton years, but now they oppose it. They helped sign NAFTA into law, but now they hate it.
That is kind of a "slippery way" to run a government.
"MyBloggers Liberals..!!"
It works for me. (Besides, liberals have been calling me a "neo-con" for years.) I like the term- "MyBloggers Liberals." It has multi- meanings.
This place looks like a nice place to hang out.
Eddie, you have created another great system..!!
To my liberal friends…
Enjoy it while you can. (The majority here at MyBloggers, that is.)
Because conservative bloggers are like a herd of turtles. It takes forever for them to arrive ANYWHERE.
But when they get there, they stick around- forever.
Talk to you again..!!
The Angry Republican
Glad you decided to blog here. I still have Blogster account though I haven't been blogging there much. However, just recently Blogster is a bit better to use (and to look at), especially since they took down the freaking SNOW!
The traffic is much better at MyBloggers than at Blogster. Since the switch, traffic there has slowed to less than a crawl at Blogster. I'm still hanging on and I hope that things get better but so much damage has been done technically that has destroyed ### and now rankings are pretty much gone. We shall see.
Again, glad to see you start blogging here!