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The Angry Republic > Angryrepublic's Comments

Angryrepublic's Comments

Happy New Year..!!
Comment on Greetings! - Jan 1, 2009 7:25 PM ()
Butts were my main voting point for 2008.

McCain's butt was- (well, let's not get any mental pictures that we do not need.)

However, Palin's Butt was the reason I voted republican.

Michelle's butt may have made history.

But Palin's butt made an impression.

(as far as butss go)
Comment on 1st Lady Got Back - Dec 3, 2008 4:35 PM ()
All said and done, it was a great time debating this election

It was the bestest "lead up" to an election I have ever seen.

Not happy with the out come, but I can live with it.
Comment on Bah ! Humbug ! - Dec 3, 2008 4:25 PM ()

the pa turpike is scary enough without having to deal with that. Pa has tons of fish and game commissioners, you would think they could call one.

Good luck..!!
Comment on Stuff and Things - Sept 10, 2008 7:36 PM ()
That's a shame..!!

However, on that TV show, the FBI always "looked" professional.

What ever happened to the slogan: "We always get our man.."

Oh.. Wait..

Maybe that was Pamela Anderson and Britney Spears slogan.

Never mind…
Comment on Hip Hip Hurrah - July 5, 2008 8:37 AM ()
Live and let live..

I do not want to see the government tell Americans how much electricity we can use.

Nor do I want the government to decide who can marry.

Let the States vote on laws.

Get the Feds and the Judges out of it.
Comment on So What! - May 25, 2008 9:32 AM ()
Great article!
Heston pretty much lost his movie career by speaking at that stockholders meeting .
Takes guts .
Comment on The Culture War - May 5, 2008 2:05 PM ()
I heard that sound bite of Kerry's. He was a little ticked off.

The Wright story was dying until Wright started showing up at events and making speeches.

I think Wright is actually trying to destroy Obama's run for office.

(Or cashing in on his 15 minutes of fame.)
Comment on Kerry Rips MSNBC for Rev Jeremiah Wright Obsession - May 1, 2008 7:46 PM ()
How true that is. I always enjoy Sowell.

When we started out this campaign with about 100 people running and debating, it was kind of exciting. I was hoping someone would bust out of that pack and become "great."

That didn't happen.

Every time I try and do a "John McCain ain't that bad" type editorial, the freaking guy says something that PROVES he is "that bad."

I'm not sure which of the three candidates will push further into socialism?

(When I figure that out, then I will know who NOT to vote for.)
Comment on Thomas Sowell - Right Again - as Always - May 1, 2008 7:37 PM ()
Martin's comment is kind of ironic.

If liberals continue to have abortions and live the gay lifestyle, their voter base will dry up by 2040.

They are "kind of" neutering themselves..!!
Comment on Comedy Relief - Apr 17, 2008 11:47 AM ()
I thought they changed that law…

I thought you could go after a neighbor's dog for consumption?

It's legal in some Asian countries, why not here?
Comment on I AM Gonna Get My E-lawyer to Sue Your E-arse - Apr 2, 2008 7:42 PM ()
We will not have to worry about this for much longer.

From what I hear they are very close to perfecting a bio-fuel that is derived from "weeds." Much in the same manner as corn is distilled into fuel- except: the weeds grow anywhere and need no fertilization. No extra water. Researchers believe within the next few years it could be available and priced at about $1.00 a gallon.

I know a lot of people believe that there is a BIG oil company conspiracy. But, the research is going on with, or without the oil companies. Sooner or later the Arab nations and Hugo Chavez will charge too much for oil. A bio-fuel will become easy to obtain. Hugo and the Arab nations will be begging for oil sales at $10 bucks a barrel. (Barely the cost of shipping it over here.)

However, the main reason the oil is still sitting up in Alaska is because it is against the law to drill for it.

I feel it is kind of redundant to argue where the oil would go. We already know America consumes the bulk of it anyway and- IT IS ILLEGAL TO DRILL for it.

Good post though, I hadn't heard of this guy.
Comment on The Energy Non-crisis. How Oil is Not Running Out - Mar 29, 2008 11:18 AM ()
I agree with what you have said. Hillary does have more experience then Obama with just her 7 or 8 years in the senate .

I do wonder how close Bill and Hillary really were during those years ?

But I do believe that spouses contribute more than they are given credit for.
Comment on In Defense of Hillary - Mar 20, 2008 6:16 PM ()
You would think that losing election after election would cause Nader to rethink this.
However, what would be even worse for the Democratic Party is if Hillary and Bill split from the party and runs as an "Indy"
Comment on Nader, the Traitor - Feb 24, 2008 7:44 PM ()

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