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The Angry Republic

News & Issues > Eliot Spitzer

Eliot Spitzer

Eliot Spitzer

I have decided to not make fun of New York Gov. Democrat- Eliot Spitzer and his problems with prostitutes.

I know, I know…

If he were a republican, the lefty's would be jumping all over this situation. The "MyBloggers Liberals" would point out Spitzer as an example of how ALL REPUBLICANS are.

But I have decided to take the high road on this one.

Sure, it would be easy to poke fun at a man like this. Spitzer was finding and prosecuting people for doing the very same thing he was caught doing.

But Spitzer has a problem.

A problem that we must try and understand.

Think about it…

If we were in "other countries", this would be "no big deal."

People in "other countries" always visit hookers.

Matter of fact, it is hard to tell who is the hooker and who is the "John" in these "other countries" because everybody is cheating on everybody and you could be paying your sister for a trick.

When children are born in these other countries, they are not slapped by a doctor, they are slapped by a hooker.

In other countries, this would be no big deal.

So I have decided to not make a big deal out of this Spitzer guy.

This family needs to HEAL.

We all need to heal.

Healing is good.

The hookers need to heal.

I'm starting to heal right now.

Written "in a healing fashion" by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

posted on Mar 11, 2008 6:54 PM ()


Another great post!

Glad to see that you finally crossed over!
comment by whereabouts on Mar 12, 2008 9:56 PM ()

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