There are so many interesting news stories this weekend, I couldn’t pick one to focus on.
So why try and pick just one?
“Balloon Boy.”

Yes, I was caught up in the drama, like many other folks were.
Thursday, I was traveling from one town to another and caught the news that a boy was sailing across Colorado, trapped inside a homemade helium balloon.
It was not feasible for me to pull over and set up my laptop computer, to get video of this spectacle. But as soon as I made it to the next town. I turned in.
The balloon looked to be going 100 mph, (from the video I viewed), and was heading towards the ground. I walked away from the screen. This was one train wreck that I didn’t want to watch.
You know the rest of the story:
Balloon boy was never in the balloon.
TV news looked like a buffoon.
The father of this family is a Loon.
And that is the name of that tune.
But, take a look at this photo again..!!
Is this PROOF that UFO’s exist..??

OK, maybe NOT UFO’s
Maybe- UFFO’s
Unbelievably Foolish Families On-tv
File this under weird “stuff” on TV and the Internet.

Which leads us to famous movie director Oliver Stone. (JFK, Platoon) who doesn’t like you, much.

Stone doesn’t care for the Internet and video sharing sites.
Stone says:
“..Certainly at the beginning of this thing, the internet was an enemy. It was just a disaster for people like me who are classically trained in film school…”
Makes you kind of feel sorry for Oliver Stone, right? He spent all that time studying the “craft” of film making, and people are staying home to watch a monkey pick his butt on YouTube.
Stone Continues:
“…(The Internet) It’s a joke. It’s jerking off in front of the camera and that’s what most people are doing and I’m sick of it…”
Yes, Mr. Stone. When you are climbing that mountain, it is fun, rewarding, and a challenge. However, after you reach the peak, the only thing left is to head down.
(It CAN make you angry. And blame the Internet.)
Maybe, Mr. Stone, the reason people are not packing movie theaters is this:
Comment by Colin Cody (Actor):
“..I was a professional actor during the time when movies were transitioning from clean and inspiring to filthy, poorly done and depressing. That is why I am no longer in the business and why I feel sorry for all who remain in it, many of whom are too young to know what it used to be like.
The film industry is clearly declining and with good reason. A large and growing part of their former audience can no longer stomach the degrading experience of going to a modern movie on Saturday night. We have much better things to do now, and we are willing to allow increasingly decadent Hollywood to rapidly sink below the slimy surface of the entertainment sewer they have chosen to inhabit. Good riddance say I, and may their like never be seen again..”
I couldn’t have said it better..!!
I’m not sure why, but I find that funny.
See ya..!!

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